Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Week 22-Veggies make it into the Cupcakes:)

Shhhh don't tell my husband or my kids, but veggies made it into the cupcakes this week. yahooo. After my Dad asked if I would make the famous (in our house) chickpea cookies to take to his old work. I had to throw in a batch up cupcakes. I make them every week anyways, it was perfect to have a purpose and a place for the cupcakes to go. I went threw a lot of recipes, and decided on the one that had beet puree in the filing and squash in the cupcake. Raspberry lemon cupcakes. I added a low fat cream cheese icing to the top. Is cream cheese icing ever low fat though??? Anyways, I only took a little nibble off of the one I gave to my husband for trial. They were pretty good. I have never put filling in cupcakes before. It recommended to put half the cupcake batter in the cup, then a dot of filing, then the rest of the batter on top. I did this, but would highly recommend putting much more filing in the middle. I was worried it would ooze everywhere and make a crazy mess while cooking. Quite the contrary. Now I am left with beet/raspberry filing in my fridge. What to do with it? Here is a pic, last minute taking on my Dad's itouch.

1 comment:

  1. They're beautiful! Way to go Dad for remembering to snap a pic for us ;) As for the filling, is it something you could drizzle over yogurt for a treat for the girls?
