Sunday 19 June 2011

Week 13, Happy Father's Day

Again, thank goodness for holiday's. It gives me purpose for cupcakes and creativity. This week I can not take credit for my creativity. My friend Heidi, in Switzerland, sent me a link with perfectly decorated Father's Day cupcakes. (Thanks Heidi) Brilliant idea. This week, it was up to my hubby to determine what kind of cupcake he wanted. Let's guess........chocolate! Next week, no chocolate. I am sick of cleaning up cocoa powder off of my cupboards. It's so light and dusty. Seeing that my 2yr old loves to help with the baking, the cocoa seems to spread everywhere.

So I focused on the decorations instead. As you will see in the photograph's (yes I finally took pictures again) I made little BBQ's out of the cupcakes. I had so much fun in the candy isle, trying to pick out the best disguise for hot dogs and little mini steaks. So cute. By the way, the steaks are caramels that I mushed and shaped with my fingers and then a dab of icing in the middle. Upon first glance I know they don't look so hot but this week was fun. It was also a wonderful surprise for Tyson and my Dad. Manly cupcakes. The picture had gray grills, but who the heck knows how to make gray icing???? Brown was my sub. Thanks again Heidi, great idea:)

1 comment:

  1. They are awesome! Wish I could taste test, just to be sure ;) Thanks for the "shout out"!! xo
